Manual update - Rose Billing - Accounting, CRM and POS Software

Before performing an update you should take your site offline by renaming the folder to avoid any data loss or payments transactions that can be done by your customer.

Step One: Backup the application

Please create a full backup of application, it is mandatory. Additionally, it will be helpful in case of an update failure or raise an issue. Please follow these steps.

  1. Login to the server control panel.
  2. Create a backup folder in your server document directory, i.e. yourapp_backup.
  3. Move your current installed Rose System project's all files to yourapp_backup folder.
  4. Open PHPMyAdmin or any database manager, 
  5. Select Database & Export (Here you will can Backup Database, download a backup of the database.)

Step Two: Uploading the new update

  1. Now extract the latest package of Rose which has been downloaded by you recently from to another folder/location.
  2. After extraction, you will see files_to_upload folder.
  3. Move files_to_upload folder's all files to your current installed Rose project folder. (Where you had installed the application, make sure that directory is empty.).
  4. Do not forget upload .htaccess also because many it remains hidden

Step Three: Files update

As we have created a backup folder yourapp_backup in STEP ONE, go there and...

Copy and replace following files from yourapp_backup to your project directory where you have recently uploaded new files.

  1. yourapp_backup/.env


  2. yourapp_backup/storage/ (entire directory )



Now login to your system, you may see the logo images are not loading then follow these steps

a. Open 

b. You will Create Link, select yes

c. Click on Update Button

Step Four 

The step is not required always but occasionally required 

Open 4. update_guide\upgrade_archive here you will update_build_000.sql 

Here 000  is your build number 

Import the file to your database 


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Last Updated: 08/10/2021 11:21

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